Who was loved by fans, but was only average on the field?
Day #1 results
This turned into a two-horse race, between Paul Goldschmidt and Luis Gonzalez. In the end, both players ended up with ten recs. I know I said in the intro that I would wield executive power and cast the deciding vote… But it didn’t seem right for me to cast that vote for a player I nominated. Nor did it seem right to cast the deciding vote against such a player! So I’m calling this one a tie, with both men sharing the first spot on the grid. Interestingly, the D-backs subreddit went in a different direction, choosing Randy Johnson for this square. He was nominated and did receive some recs from us, but finished well back by the end of voting.
I hope, by now, we’ve grasped the concept here. There did seem to be a bit of confusion in the previous comments, for which I accept responsibility. We are doing just one square per post, so stay focused on that. This iteration will remain limited to players only, so anyone outside the lines, including managers, commentators, owners and mascots, will have to wait for their turn (if I get around to it).
Day #2: Loved by fans, average player
This one might require a little more thought, since there’s no particular benchmark for “average player”. Things like longevity might factor into the equation here: someone who was with the team for a long time, as a steady performer, rather than an All-Star. But it is possible for players to damage their reputation after leaving the club, by ill-considered remarks aimed at the team or fanbase. I’m not going to name particular names here. In fact, I’m going to avoid nominating any players in the comments this time myself. I only jumped in there in order to start the conversation, and as mentioned, I think we now know what we’re talking about. That’ll also allow me to cast a deciding vote without fear or favour.
In case you need a reminder, this is how it works.
- Go to the comments section.
- If your choice is already mentioned there, give it a “rec”.
- If your choice is NOT mentioned, leave their name as a new comment, and make your case for them.
- One nomination per comment
- Duplicate nominations will get deleted.
- Whoever gets the most recs wins the square. I’ll used my executive power to decide any ties.