Oh good morning
According to ChatGPT, “Stone Soup” is a folk tale about a traveler who arrives in a village feeling hungry and tired. The villagers are suspicious and unwilling to share their food. To teach them a lesson, the traveler fills a pot with water and drops in a large stone, proclaiming that he’s making delicious stone soup. Curious, the villagers start to approach, and he mentions how it would be even better with a few additional ingredients.
One by one, the villagers contribute something: potatoes, carrots, onions, and spices. As they add these ingredients, the soup becomes richer and tastier. Eventually, everyone in the village gathers around, and they share the now-delicious soup together. The story highlights themes of cooperation, community, and the idea that sharing and working together can create something wonderful.
Anyway I forgot about SnakeBytes until five minutes before I needed to leave for work so… this stone soup sure would be more delicious if you had some extra ingredients to add!